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  • Writer's pictureFelicity H

Birds Eye & Worms Eye

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

Birds Eye:

  1. In each of my birds eye view photos I used color, contrast and value. In each photo I made sure that the fore ground was visible as well to add dimension to the photos. When taking these photos I wanted to make sure that the patterns on the flower peddles were visible and not drawn out by the colors/lighting.

Worms Eye:

  1. I used texture and balance when taking this photo, I wanted to ensure that all the details in the stone work were visible but, I also wanted the contrast between the building and the sky to be seen.

  2. In this photo I used color and movement the power lines in the photo draw the viewers eyes to the sign. The warm colors of the sign contrast the grey-blue hue of the sky making the photo visually interesting.

  3. I took this picture because of the visible pattern in the glass windows, the different colors and shapes of the leaves add contrast to the photo.

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